Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Freud and Penis Envy.

Freud Triumphs! The pig that he is. We find ever increasing volume of evidence to support his theory.

Rajini Narayan sets her husbands penis on fire. While the case and arguments may be many but I think Freud triumphs with a demonstration of a THEORY he gave BIRTH to.

Case Summary: She burnt his penis while he was asleep after pouring a sufficiently flameable liquid in generous doses. Apparently she saw him hug a woman. Her Claim is that "His Penis belongs to me". The culprit died when he was rudely woken from his dream with his furniture on fire rammed the rest of the flameable fluid onto the floor and accidentally set the whole house on fire.

Rajini of course survived because she innocently ran out of the house to confess to the neighbors that she didnt mean this to happen. Her confession: "I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else, I didn't mean this to happen".

Apparently she even confessed in court that she just wanted to purify his genitals. Yeah, we understand, she simply wanted a scarred marriage to be saved by another scar.

Fair enough. In a world of cruel impure men, who is to deny one woman some justice by fire?

Brave men ought not be scared of simple purification rituals. Then again, devil in us was never open to purity.

Here is the link (couple of many):

What I found most hilarious if somewhat perverse since it ignores all the actual truths was a comment on one of the message board that read:

"Mohini Chandra, you need to ask yourself do you know the intricate details of their lives. Keep those opinions which are wrong to yourself.. She didn’t do it on purpose and he technically deserved it..he dropped the bottle"

While we are not sure if this is "well meant" or "Sarcastic", True, we agree - if only he had the common sense and forebonding to stay put on the bed with a burning crotch, he would not have knocked the bottle (Which incidentally happened to have some petrol in it)  and brought the house down.

Hell, life is like that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. somehow - I knew by the title that this post has to be yours .. ;)

  3. @aria

    we get one more place to meet ;)

    meet muddy waters and raj, and there is mindblowing expanse of life :)

    wud you like to guest write here (ya ya I know ur two blog crib theory)

    lemme know.

  4. three blogs? :( ok.. let me see.. I'll try :) thanks for asking.. *honored*

  5. Do give me an email address where I can send you an invite.
