Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Mind in My Mind.

I see
I realize the isolation
The boundaries
That a truth grows and
Cultivates in minds,
A pride with it observing all else as aliens

If an individual is defined
Hence so manifests the universe with it,
The individual can get
What it wants through will
And hard work(force),
The success of this is seen now
Yes, man has advanced and is 
Moving fast with or without a vision
This earth is a living earth

Life has a truth
The living too
And the movement of knowledge 
To take the mind towards
To live in harmony with nature,
This movement remains exclusive to a mind alone of humans and of
All other living 
Each in their 
Own capacities

But man can contemplate this, all this,
Feel separate from nature
And then invent yoga,
Water for example can only
Touch the man's mind,
Man can write poetries -
The Gayatri and hail the sun

Hence there exists an earth
And the other earth in the mind
Of the man alone,
Where out of sympathy it gives up
Eating meat too,
Thinking about the wholeness
Of the universe created by it's 

This entire above thought too comes from
A mind, hence requires no further
Truth or any other combinations,
Let it hence
Remain one more piece of

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