Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Act.

The act of insanity
Of humanity
Set me free from the search of
Saintly Sanity. 

Let's for once look at sex
And sexual preferences of humans here now,
Straight or Un-straight,
The homosexuals get to
Fill holes and their own too,
Lesbians are losers as they
Can only get toys to fill thiers,
The straights are funny
They contemplate monogamy
All their life till they die,
That is when they know what
Went wrong.
What actually went wrong with
Nothing as 'UG' says
The world cannot be different then what it is now
As Rand says
I won't come to an end the world will.
Funny are the sages and saints,
They wear loose robes,
Their followers either go mad or
Turn skeptics.

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