Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Memories - Knowledge.

The Sacred Heart School was vibrating in excitement. The results of the state-level interschool arts competition were to be announced.
The seniors sat ahead for they were the most tensed, the competition always threw surprise winners and the tension had gripped the auditorium.
The primary grade sat behind, some with their parents. Nancy sat with the first grader Megha in the second last line of the auditorium.
The first four grades took part in the internal school competition amongst the first four grades.
They all  had to wait till the results of the inter-state competition was announced.
The auditorium suddenly went into pin drop silence, the Principle and the arts teacher had taken their place.
The Principle understood that he needed to delay the report, the silence was beautiful.
"The Sacred Heart School my dear students has had an history of excellence, our corridors are now packed with our achievements. There were 257 schools in competition compared to 235 schools last year. Here inside this envelope are the finalist, the runner ups and the winners of the competition. This year our school shall earn a special place in history."

"and Biji she slept the entire afternoon in my lap, the Principle kept talking, reading the prize winning essays and Megha comfortably slept in my laps, ha ha"
"and her painting?"
"she did get two stars for it and tomorrow would be their poetry saying competition in class."
"its too much to include the first three graders in this function, right?"
"we never had all this and yet we produced great artist and scholars, times have changed now, very competitive, ambition driven environment has been pushed to extremes. The other day I was reading Megha the Arjun's story in the Mahabharata , she had so many questions."
"lets take a day trip somewhere, Megha would love it,"
"that's a nice idea, lets do it on Sunday."
"there is a temple some 65 kilometers from here, with a bakula tree, it's very beautiful and in the mornings the ground is covered with fresh flowers fallen from the tree."
"ok, sounds nice."

Culture - It maintains its continuity.

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