Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Need to control.

Here is the modus operandi of the insecure and the power hungry:

- Win a club of mutual admirers, always maintaining your inner mental edge of being unique and/or above.
- Show passive aggression to hint that disagreement is not welcome.
- Create an illusion of being open.
- Walk out on all disagreements because "obviously" "you know" that the other is wrong!
- Cast a web of guilt onto the "other" absolving self of all mistakes.
- Go to your club
- Paint a mildly flawed but gloriously benevolent self;
- Paint the picture of a monster outside your window.
- Win approvals for your half truths; and disapprovals of those outside your window

- self congratulate on hollow victories as the currency of self esteem
- go back to window gazing!

Did it occur to you as odd that vice and virtue cross dress based on ones opinionated whims?

Did it seem odd that fear/guilt and promise of reward can be employed to tame the unsuspecting majority?

What if there is only black OR white? And one is really just a cross dressing of the other?

Sadomasochism is a reality! I see it all around in the most private parts of people's lives!

One derives pleasure from Habit, exactly at the point of perversion one loves to bleed!

What is it for you? White or black? What is more painful the bondage of acceprance? Or the pain of rejection? What is the vice/virtue you would cross dress and employ as virtue/vice?

One only needs to destroy the ladder to be alone at the top; the irony would be when he discovers he wasn't just high enough!

Clinging is the only currency of suffering; but letting go is no option; we all invent out private hells.

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