Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Quite amusing how people are sold on sweet sounding words that have no relevance or reflection in their lives as they live them.

As individuals, I am sure everyone is competent to what interests them, but as an aggregate of mutual dependence (independence is a myth, another fabricated lie to justify a meaning to life in private) only lies sold with label of truth sells.

But then that is the mating ritual. Spread the perfume, "a put on", and get into each others skins in the name of love, kick below the belt at slightest provocations calling onto fakeness of words. All this and also an illusion of clarity, honesty and uniqueness to go with it. Purrfect! What was I thinking! Or was I even thinking? Actually, was I? I? 

I learnt, I unlearnt, and now I have to unlearn the unlearning! Tch tch what a waste of time, time I could have spent lip locked gagging on spit! We need re-habilitation facilities for myth busters! It's criminal to let them loose  onto a sane world of community and social liars! Those that know that the only way to manipulate the fabric of social communities to get your way is to fabricate untruths and half-lies. These have mastered the art of social sciences. The laws of causality and social space-time continuum are mere conveniences because history is malleable. All you need is a mallet big enough, and the muscle of social strength. Easier if you happen to be on the heavier scale of barter; you know where and how the scales go tipping. Or don't you? Well here is a tip for the un-initiated, if you speak a convincing lie, speak it often enough, project your social approval as a thing to die for; then my friend, no one will care for the truth anymore. Fear and guilt of your opponents are your private friends and private jokes. If one does not subscribe to them, then of course you can walk away taking your approval with you to confer onto the more (un)deserving.

Errr ... Ok, Remind me to shuddup now! I ought to have an air of mystique, isn't it? Hell wait a min, isn't that supposed to be girlish?? But wait, what are genders really?? Hell wait wait, whatever sells!! Beauty to the eyes of the buyer (or voyeur, do you care really?)! Welcome home consumerism!

Life! I love you. Anything for you. Just name your brands now. 

So, here I am, a mysterious, good smelling, existential, vitamin powered, chamomile drenched, smoking hot, shot up(!), shallow deep, art loving, rich, agnostic, convent bred, serio-comic, tender hearted moron! Everything you were looking for!!!! Lets go for it!!

Well, well, what do you know. I am going shopping tonight. All my days hence forth will be perfumed!

Psst: Reality stinks! But breath easy, you can come closer now! Made of genuine tanned thick leather with a put on!

Snippet: I want to live in gay abandon; but since I am not gay, I am left with abandon; since I don't like abandon, I conform, again, to your world of rules.

Yeah right, let's make the meanings as we go! And when someone asks questions, we are now equipped enough to know what to do!


  1. Can the odds be really or actually calculated? Is there a rational formula for the calculations?

  2. No; mathematics is an imaginary world; all unknowns can be hunted down.

    The odds are almost always against if you consider the decision tree, but things happen anyhow.
