Saturday, March 31, 2012

Present and otherwise.

Within which changes,
All turning,
In all that attention
A mindfulness of activity
One with life
Ripples as if a being and a me
Forming a circle and me it's hub,
This would have a touch
Just as prints of my fingers
Without with this uniqueness 
What am I?
A sound of a name, developing a thirst
A boundary to conquer,
A mela to roam,
Too fast, then slow as seconds,
Fame and being a hero,
A happy story lived in instincts calling the life the lucky life
As if I could not achieve it otherwise.
I can happen, can't I.
Line by line
Years develop to understand
How a
Story begins in
A space in mind,
A time being born there,
With it all the love,
I remember all alone
And I'm the proactive 
To keep it alive and
Smokey, never to let
Anything go, anything go,
Thinking I could,
I could
Wish I should,
I should.

Now it can't be me.

It has to be days
Sitting far far away
Making music tonight 
One of the nights when
Skies naming unchained blues
Singing all it feels
Holding me near
To a life
In days far far away unchained 

Friday, March 30, 2012

The body can de stress itself. The pain radiates out if you let it. Within limits pain and pleasure are indistinguishable.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fabricated answers are truths that exists in front of our eyes. Visit a doctor and after consulting the doctor talk to the clerk of that doctor. Surprise surprise! Plato would be put to shame.
In the interest of science the changes that happen inside include madness too.
So help me to prove how my dependency to be typical is to be profound. A long quiet walk by the Arabian Sea I saw a whistle, a light saying that to be individual does not mean to be isolated. The monks were idiots. They went to pieces before the sunset.
So I write as often I feel to pause.

Freedom Song.

Analogies of imaginations 
Help live in mathematics and
In a choice
Capable of discovering laws
Of polygamy,
Typically an independent mind
Belonging to the 'God-Gene' 
Knows by deterministic philosophy the right and wrong
Of chemistry and physics.

Deterministically I am free
With free will
I make choices
To choose what to refer too
Within my neural receptors.

Locked up in freedom
Like a defense ploy in action.

I Believe By The End Of Belief.

Nothing near about being near
Or about being far as being far,
Only in two possibilities if I do or not 
Encounter how thought splits and

Experiences separating and creating experiencers only
To be converted to a belief,
To a real,
Creating also a waiting room
For all those needed that subjective creation of experiencer.

Refreshing are skeptics
Those that are rigorous with datas and philosophies,
Hallucinated are mindless pragmatist who indulge in
Typically creating psychological sciences.

If you have something profound,
How would you know it to be?
If through anyone else, than you
Need a brain surgery.

In period of Time, I think.

I liked to know as
All do, the how of
Recapturing the questions
With the familiar answers
Learning along the way,
The way remained brief though.

Discoveries in science
Made me un-apologetic
To all Orders
As I knew from the flow of heat
The low and high of disorder
In an open environment.

Limitations in love
Bought about populations,
Population that helped evolution,
That evolution that challenged
The limits of love within the
Framework of time,
Atheist turning believers
And vice-versa,
In greater volumes
In all the complexities called

In period of time
I Argue with skeptics, what If Not.

My Quantum God.

Quantum levels talk of
Right uncertainty
Within a framework
With a deterministic outcome
Like a transistor at work
Or the stock markets at work
Randomly coming up with a Statistical grand design
The point where it has to be observed has to be pinned
The ending of that movement can Be observed at philosophical levels, hence
The in-between have a million possible outcomes

The deterministic nature of quantum
Makes my free will a joke
And further realizations that
I am complex
I am physical
I am the grand design
I am the quantum
I am personal
I sound as if I am in serious trouble, but I interact as if I am
Updated in all dimensions of god.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Anonymous assertions
Silence jesting
Were they complains or
Apples and oranges
In issues of living arrangements

Talk and do better
Feel what was there
A point of view though
May be I can share
How to see
When the how goes
To a parking routine
Fresh perspective and
One way opportunities

If god helps us understand
I could be a rabbi
And make rains out of tears

Would this be true?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cover to cover
Existentially existence is entirely in
A sunrising
A wave playing
Creation impacting existence
Then a thought and
Then a me who for whom
Opening my eyes remains my choice
To observe the grandeur of existence
Or the worm in my head.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stretched myself
Read the outline
Purpose questioned and
The why of it to it's roots.

Apart from life living it's life
The desire to live existed too
It belonged to a choice
Born through thinking
For the desire to die existed too
No one could escape this choice
For not thinking too was choosing
The death premise.

I could not escape experiencing love
I could not escape choosing
The choice was the action in itself 
What would always follow would be
Only reactions
I could take what I wanted from
I had to pay for it.

The questioning was necessary
I could choose to evade
Be critical of it
Whatever the choice would be
Would build me a character.
If I registered darkness
I was alone
If could see the day light
I had a lot to do.

If nature could teach nature
I would always be a pattern
A pattern reveals life
Or predicts anomalies
That further formed patterns
If nature perfected nature
Would it discard it as
It would then be unique.

Shapes help name the stars too
Me too and all the rest
In mathematics I found Maya 
Interrelated in all my relationships
In golden spirals
That what I assumed
I could understand in numbers.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What would friendship be, be
If the friend would not be my
Other self

All insights that come from doing
That comes from a friend
It always grows from the ground up

If I need contemplation
To be happy in this life
Why should I not have a friend then, for
It would be a life of utility,
Pleasure and excellent friendship.
I learnt ALL first by imitation. 
Uneasiness had stung 
Spoke to me if was I only
A chronicler 
So I came to observe
It what seemed like a
Long journey
The tiredness had not yet set in.

What ever was spent here
Is what was received here 
Perhaps the body toiled
The mind thought
As nature would like it designed,
And the space 
It now remained abandoned
By god
But a shadow that remained still. 

Should I speak my thoughts?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

And me, I have a beginning. 
For my eyes
I would only have my dreams.
Not being me is
Being more better
In love with a confused heart
The laugh stays still on lips
And there would never be a reason
for it ever
Unclear thoughts in me
And all actions of mine in mess
They yet
Never take my happiness away.
A unique vision to write
Like a question that needed no answer

Anger would build up work
Like existing did

How easy would it be
Like I looked

Imaginations flowed
As if they could want me from you

Magic fructifies as if
Caressing loving and laughing could help

The need to dictate does arise
As there would always be ownerships

If a child never imitated
It would have never needed punishments

I could talk
Talk because I could remember,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

There is so much I could write tonight. So much flowing as words floating in a clear distinction with a life of their own. Like a foetus gaining by the second to be born. But I should let this love child die. Like an abortion will gain me life.

Let tonight remain a relic.

Monday, March 19, 2012

During the day
The imaginations ran dry
One day

The actions coupled with temper acted
Free from any agent
One day

The day explored all
That was thought
That was dreamt
A night before

From external objects
Held in explanation
A pilgrimage of sleep settled
One night

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Write me a poem
And a love story
Of a home and a line
'She hasn't come in yet'

The poem would be of me
The story of love coming back
Till I can miss her
And call her my friend
In a very new way

A poem with a view
And a love story of friends
A postcard would be fantastic
In it may be me and her

Monday, March 12, 2012

Its an interplay of properties and manipulation of energy to an effect.

Now life gets easier. Quite amazed with self.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is learning about things that I don't know or about things I know or I think I know?
The reality has to be learnt. The real holds no contradiction but learning does.
Why do we need polls? Why do we need to vote?
Why can't we see? Just see.


Experience is the only instrument we have as humans. Within this instrument everything I experience is human; a product of existence.

What is present when the instrument is gone, who is to tell? Is there a way to map divine or soul onto this instrument? Unless existence is divine?

Any takers?


Quite amusing how people are sold on sweet sounding words that have no relevance or reflection in their lives as they live them.

As individuals, I am sure everyone is competent to what interests them, but as an aggregate of mutual dependence (independence is a myth, another fabricated lie to justify a meaning to life in private) only lies sold with label of truth sells.

But then that is the mating ritual. Spread the perfume, "a put on", and get into each others skins in the name of love, kick below the belt at slightest provocations calling onto fakeness of words. All this and also an illusion of clarity, honesty and uniqueness to go with it. Purrfect! What was I thinking! Or was I even thinking? Actually, was I? I? 

I learnt, I unlearnt, and now I have to unlearn the unlearning! Tch tch what a waste of time, time I could have spent lip locked gagging on spit! We need re-habilitation facilities for myth busters! It's criminal to let them loose  onto a sane world of community and social liars! Those that know that the only way to manipulate the fabric of social communities to get your way is to fabricate untruths and half-lies. These have mastered the art of social sciences. The laws of causality and social space-time continuum are mere conveniences because history is malleable. All you need is a mallet big enough, and the muscle of social strength. Easier if you happen to be on the heavier scale of barter; you know where and how the scales go tipping. Or don't you? Well here is a tip for the un-initiated, if you speak a convincing lie, speak it often enough, project your social approval as a thing to die for; then my friend, no one will care for the truth anymore. Fear and guilt of your opponents are your private friends and private jokes. If one does not subscribe to them, then of course you can walk away taking your approval with you to confer onto the more (un)deserving.

Errr ... Ok, Remind me to shuddup now! I ought to have an air of mystique, isn't it? Hell wait a min, isn't that supposed to be girlish?? But wait, what are genders really?? Hell wait wait, whatever sells!! Beauty to the eyes of the buyer (or voyeur, do you care really?)! Welcome home consumerism!

Life! I love you. Anything for you. Just name your brands now. 

So, here I am, a mysterious, good smelling, existential, vitamin powered, chamomile drenched, smoking hot, shot up(!), shallow deep, art loving, rich, agnostic, convent bred, serio-comic, tender hearted moron! Everything you were looking for!!!! Lets go for it!!

Well, well, what do you know. I am going shopping tonight. All my days hence forth will be perfumed!

Psst: Reality stinks! But breath easy, you can come closer now! Made of genuine tanned thick leather with a put on!

Snippet: I want to live in gay abandon; but since I am not gay, I am left with abandon; since I don't like abandon, I conform, again, to your world of rules.

Yeah right, let's make the meanings as we go! And when someone asks questions, we are now equipped enough to know what to do!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The knower stays on
Only for me
The loudest of voices
Nothing changing

Inseparable life force
In all states
In all emotions
In all minds
The knower stays on