Saturday, September 3, 2011

Opposites - Everybody understands in bits.

"They are promoting me, seems like work trouble, I guess more of paper work and management issues," Nancy seated herself besides a sleeping Megha, she took of her glasses and continued, "I have to sort this out."
She did think of quitting the job but was afraid to act. Her concern for Megha and giving her a hundred percent attention was the cause behind the fear.
Megha had now some friends in the neighborhood and she spent the evenings with them. Biji would always accompany her and never leave her out of her sight. 

" Hug Biji and she won't be hurt anymore." Nancy smiled to a pale Megha.
"No hugs, no kisses, she knows very well she can't hide behind you."
"then bring me my own dog, I want it," Megha suddenly threw a fit.
"this all your fault Nancy, look she is turning in to a brat now; and she was fine actually, the minute she saw you, she knew she had a cover." Biji winked at Nancy and kept the voice cold and stern.
" listen to BijiMa Megha, you cannot play with street dogs, they can harm you."
"I know tili from when she was a small pup momma, BijiMa saw it only today," the voice was now flowing in tears, "ok, ok, we will see about it tomorrow, now come here, let moma get fresh, she has just come back. Come here, are you hungry?, want some noodles," Megha came out and followed her BijiMa.
"Can I have a small pup of my own BijiMa?"

Much later in the evening as Nancy sat drinking coffee she pondered and smiled, "Remember Biji her potty training took so much time, she refused to let go off the diapers."
"yes, yes but I guess the diapers are an addiction of sorts, they provide safety to the falls, the child senses it can fall when ever  and it does not hurt; and the child feels dry all the time, they cost a lot too, in our times we had almost fifty small cloths hanging all over the place, drying." laughed Biji, "I know, the diaper packs wouldn't even last a week," said Nancy while stroking the neck of Megha who was deep in some fantasy dream. She smiled in her sleep.

Pets - At a certain age they are always around.

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