Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The insufferable sexists!

Everywhere I go these days I hear sexist jokes / jabs. From both sides. Mostly Juvenile context dropping. It’s a rare humor or sarcasm that does not lose the frame and still retains humor. But, how difficult is it to see such humor really!

Why is it so difficult to look at individuals as individuals with their own compelling kitty of traits? Everyone is playing to their strengths to get what they want; it’s the case of the kettle calling the pot potty and the Pot calling the kettle Black!

As though blaming the opposite sex absolves people of all the mischief they do in others lives. Tch!

Sample this, a tweet from one Vijay_Joshi:
"Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still want a confession"

Yeah, right. Where does that leave the church? They are convinced of your guilt but still demand a confession. And why forget that most of the police wanting a confession are "men" dealing with the so called "guilty"?

Everyone is shirking responsibility of their actions one way or the other. Guilt is the most common token used.

I see people using the systems when they want to blame someone and oppose the same systems when its coming in the way of what they want! Talk of double or even quadruple standards.

Which is fine as well, no really, but its quite sickening when this is done without the knowledge that it is being done! And then you see meaningless movements assuming meaningless dimensions creating many sub-systems of power mongering. Filthy.

Its these systems that demands confessions through their mouthpieces; its like confessions of others put you in a place of power, and feed your low esteem with a shot of ego; a temporary relief and high. Both individuals and organizations alike. Ever wondered what a world that is purged of all these puerile systems will smell like?

I have no problem with people taking flawed positions for humor as long as they are aware of flaws to begin with. Its not genuine humour but some people buy it anyhow. But where does ones own awareness stand? That is a vital question to ask.

Everyone who files a case in defence to their own traits is working on the principle of being a sexist. In that sense, I am a sexist too. But that has never come in the way of my respecting individuals out there in love with their traits. But it is the insufferable sexists that I caricature in my mind. Those that are convinced of the guilt of the world around but theirs. Truly religious in chastity!

Its good to be childlike without being childish! But that is too much of wishful thinking for a day.

In art, I would love to re-discover the humor of an intelligent child. A refusal to recognize the limiting structures; and a guiltless smile.

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