Friday, November 11, 2011


Can the effect modify the cause?


  1. Let me try. I know it won't make sense.

    The Law Of Identity can never operate on Intuition. 
    It can only operate through learning of a particular  knowledge.
    If someone says intuition can help establish identity of an object and it's attributes has to produce results and not just talk. It can't be done without learning.

    Hence the reflection cast on the retina never says anything of the object unless until the knowledge of that particular object exists already through learning before.
    There is hence a movement of knowledge in brain and there is a movement when the senses  smell or touch or see or taste an object. The senses do not say anything about the object. The interpretation of the sensation according to the knowledge acquired is how the law of identity comes in to action.
    Law of Identity is never a thoughtless action. This action creates an isolated field. The division between response and stimulus comes in to being.

    Every action that is concluded as an effect has a cause. That effect is the cause to the next action. All this happens in the isolated field of response through the knowledge acquired. The stimulus is totally unrelated to this movement. It has a life span of its own. Each sense operates in independent frame. The thinking within law identity tries to integrates itself with the movement of stimulus. 
    This integration establishes a parallel movement inside of me.
    I call this the also movement of memory. The interest of this movement remains as self perpetuation.

    Let us look at a specific event of World War 1 and 2.

    I would require your inputs here now and then see how they will defer from those of others.

  2. The seed Raj; what can modify the nature of the seed?

    Law of Identity in relation to reality is sensual in nature. Any identity operating outside the senses is another experience of self. So far so good.

    But you do create entities of reality - how else do you justify astrology?

  3. I thought you wanted to explore REALISM here through world politics.
    Hmmm, astrology, as I told you your readings of charts has left me intrigued. Intrigued, hence I stop thinking about it any further. 
    So would I still be intrigued had you not told me about it?  Would you know anything of astrology had you not studied it?
    Someone started this mischief and this perpetuates through the knowledge and the experience of the knowledge thereof. 
    The primary single thought is ME and then all other thoughts in relationship to that primary thought tag along. Hence there is awareness only of thoughts and never of a single thought.
