Friday, July 29, 2011

To pattern me now, what would you need?
An inside and before that an outside.
Or if you choose not to pattern, then what would happen to all your outside
that form all of your inside.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The overwhelming perfume too is a projection of Mind.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A journey back to the hidden garden where A question sleeps in the coil that is deep within that garden.
Byitself I am Plenty.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Madness comes after
Never before

The 'I' too comes after
Never before

The fruit and it's action
Can never be separate
They both come together
Never before or after

The insights happen after the 'I'
Then an 'I' is born in that insight,
You come to me
So does all that I then perceive 

Creating, destroying, stopping,
walking, a love story weaves itself now,
I love you I say
And You confirm
All I say

I am a corpse
If I have no I
That produces an I and
A value to that I, this
Is how I understand alive

Monday, July 11, 2011


How would it look like,
The seasons were in a 
timetable with me
I had charts and verbal
Tours were planned and
The diary ruled
So the past made a predictable

How would it look like,
I forgot my wallet,
and I have no money to 
pay the toll,
Is it fine if I pay you tomorrow,
He says fine and I continue
My uncontrolled journey

My wife worries and shouts
(Knows I might not have an
answer too),
You look and walk like a
dog, and why do you smile,
Don't you dare relax,
and make me feel all noise.

Living, yes living and it makes
me a purpose just a minute
before a minute,
I laugh,
Laughed hard yesterday night,
When my friend said he needs to
Prepare more,
One of us must be insane,
Take a guess,
And don't bother telling Me.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Time Cannot Handle Silence. It Explodes In It.
Tear the mind to pieces to find means to an end.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pages turned to one
way street
Satisfied a learned
Found a knowledge
Contemplated ignorance
And saw all objects in their

Only you
a fundamental simple living
You were are and would always
be the master key

Always ready to go
A potent life
About to explode
So much to do
And as much to risk
For laughter to come
For laughter to come.
Where do you want
a meaning and why
In life, in walks,
To the senses to know
you from a corpse 

Sinking is multitude,
a dog dies, one can live
if one wants
Hunger is there to find.

A sleep is visited by dead
And the soul never moves
The dead man sleeps 
The hungry stays awake.

Often a meal is enough for
during the day is what a century is for
sick and old
Dawns come from heads and passions 
So will yours come who remain unmoved.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

On My Own.

A gun on my temple
Cold hard metal piercing my
My hands steady,
The finger strong on the 
trigger, itching to pull.

Between my living 
and the chill,
what would save me was
an answer that would burn
it's master.

I could not harbor hope,
for my veins were bloody
No faith, as fear gripped me 
I would die, if I did not utter
the truth.

What I said is obsolete if you saw,
What you read here and say I know what you say, then you too
The gun stays on the temple,
always, ready to blow,
if you say I don't know.

The Perfect Sky

The kite was up, so up,
It stayed by itself,
Perfect sky, it knew,
And the flight was very simple

Was it there because it
thought so
Or did it know
Thinking, ok,
But when would you know it

Whatever I know,
am sure off
I have nothing to think for
No thoughts exists there.
What remains there is the

Easy Flying,
The perfect sky,
The meditation simple,
It is the doing,
Do it and see how thoughts burn
in to being.
There will always be a You for you to talk, judge, correct, and make a You all by you. That is all, that shall all be all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I ain't AM.

Do it, this how not to be
These walking sticks sold and
bought by you from
politicians and all, and all
You need air in your 
Draw it more and more
right now
Release a Hostage

Do it, this how not to be
Confusions have energy to
make me laugh
I laugh, oh! I laugh
And hard

Do it, this how not to be
Thinking a How
Rather experience
for it can never stop
Focus moves
And you the life moves
And it takes place, actions
happening all the time

Do it, this how not to be
A being walks, dances and breaks
into raptures, 
Flexibility is reality
Enjoy it

Do it, this how not to be
What I ain't AM

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Movie Star.

A movie star
played out the script
I watched him in the movie
In the cool lush dark

Had my hot coffee in
the dark
I laughed, felt anxiety
Reacted to- I was in this
situation too
Making it up in the moment
As if I was in the movie too

Lights came on, walking out
I was still in that happening
Mind in a whirl
Wanting to laugh, cry and

I lightened up in the light
Walked in the focus of the
movie star
A tidy existence in harmony
Of what I could be
What I could be

A movie star
Me, yes,
Always watching me in a movie,
Witness witnessed.


Jealousy, and experiencing it can-
-Make me burn and destroy me
-Make me brush it aside and call it natural in me
-Make me learn a New Me in Me

Am I What You Are Not and 
Solutions if they don't help then they
Are never valid

An attempt to understand me
Will leave me with me, in all ways.


If I was life, then
I was never born
I would never die

If I was life, then
I would be a You, You and You
I would be a happening 

If I was life, then
I would never have a tomorrow
I would have never come from a

If I was life, then
I would look
I would stand

If I was life, then
I would defy chance
I would know of two



Love stories are never disconnected
This you, one with it,
Is more than these.

I sometimes register eroding
Feelings of questions and needs
Makes possible to see
There are no discoveries
Just a play
And I The Play
That unfolds

Naturally I feel a source
That seems out of place
Yet in love
Made from decisions
Which relaxes me into
A love story

I know no way
What happens is when
it works
It looks like a way
But I was always ready
To be in one love story
For I won a lottery 
When first I opened
My eyes to all that was
already here

Nothing can be a I
Till I hold a quality to that
Would the hate come back again
I saw it loose in words of revenge
The shadow runs faster
While I wait
She knows all of love
I still have to learn

Open the doors
Am willing as the sun
Is she waiting
For I have a lamp for her
To read

Write my hearts says -
Of my love
They will have wings 
Strong and mighty
They would travel distant lands
Where they will light up nights with 
a million suns.

Being A Chaste?

Being a chaste?
The whole world riddled
Betraying infidels

Strange are few
Drunk they remain
Stay, stay shout the skies
As they remain in love, there
In there
Claps are responded by dances
Open up paths
Yes, they do
I know a song 
A lover once sang
Of a love that spoke about a
Raving heart

Being a chaste?
For that destiny that
Dreams defying love as such
No lights there
The levels of dreams
Light it up
All the paths the infidels
Think to be impossible

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Closet

The closet was a home
To damaged tears
The closet was supposed to
be burnt to dust
It protected itself
And tried to be kind
To be nice

Fears and lusts
All in the locker
Bastards and spiritual
All rolled in the closet
In a sensual satisfaction

Each day a morning leaned against it
It's ancestors voice wanted
to know more about
A broken pencil and
and a paper torn
About freedom from the known

I worked inside it
Tried to figure all
the harm
The light always dark
Around the spiders hid
All that was rubbish

The closet was
one born to filth
Stood now still
The winter was certain
The bones chilled
A reality waited as a home
An answer waited to be unlocked

What would happen?
It would only burn to dust.

The Hubble Bubble

Galaxies and clouds
All in the telescope
Something to see in the
On the outside all that exists
are dead lights

Seer searches the logic
Wanting to see the outsides
What it sees inside the tubes
Not there not here
Give it to my mind
I want to see it

Make some sense please
The particle will always
In arrogance and in silence
I am in it
And it is what I want
These tubes that form
These Galaxies and
These Clouds

Real Time

A mirror at natural state
Dark and cool
It floats in the mind

A reflection at surface
It always works
The mind understands identity

How can time exist in
Or inside the mind
But the mirror traps a
And it's story 
All in the unmeasured time


Cynicism, No,
Judgement, No,
Just a Me
Looking at You
I walk to a seriousness
It forms itself in a question

Free, bird,
Me, bird,
The sky just me
Up to a business 
Engaging me to fly
Understanding comes
Yes, automatically,

I, thought,
Deeply, thought,
Laugh my ME
Let all hear
And stand tall
It is a feeling
And you certainly say
Thank You
A significant story, a dream welcome, engaged in a relationship, loaded with thoughts, then a realization of the dream where the dream dreams ME. 
Continue only if interested, stop if you want. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The sound of my breath to me is the only one I wish to hear. It sings the longing of it's beloved's song.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Pajama Days

Tangible days of sleep and wake
Sleep sleep soaking in
What I call my pajama days

They are known to all
All go through them
A lot happens
Manifesting a body
That then shares it's intimates
In time to come

The pajama days
Have a purpose
Not creating
But discovering
What is covered up
This life which is then lived well

The pajama days, bitter and sweet
Live it Up!

Space Time Seeing

The might of time
And it's movement bored
In the space that is a circle
Both in love with journey
With a different story

I know I have a mirror too
I know I can interrupt the flow
Sit in noise and be what I'm not
Go to the extremes
And become the infinite space

The truth is kind
Never needs time and space
I look the other way
And remain faithful to the other way
I then want a doctor

Die says the doctor
But the doctor dies
You turn to home
And that is also in space & time
Now nothing to anticipate
The call from time
Takes an eternity to clear the space

Actually a child
An image for the man
An illusion for the old
The birth they say is the death
In space and in time.

The Game

The game 
Call it attention or focus
I want to melt into
Feel it from outside
Of how it is from inside

The game
Of joy and pain
Where self melts and forms
I want it
And I watch what my peers call a stage

The game
Of a greater consciousness from
a let it be awareness
Silence in my retina alone
And a chaos in mind all over

The game
To watch and stay
Originally a pain
The goal being power
Life force comes
To draw you into a

The game
And I cannot stand in it's way


The mind merged
It walked into the night
Laughing crying and worried
I was in my room
Never knew I was also a muse

I never thought
Just discovered silence
Walking around in my physicality
Writing talking all that I called
From the core I questioned
Never knew I was also a muse

Intact I may be wrong
I payed attention to all around
behaved rather stupid too
Then came some voices
I saw the waves and the impermanence of it
Never knew I was also a muse

Ask me now
Could I see if ever
Even freshly now
That I was also a muse

Who could I BE?

Friday, July 1, 2011


The rainbow stayed back
For me to look at the
play of the universe
The phantom danced
flashing in the sun
I remember how I
broke in to a laugh

I know I was rude
I was excited and unreal
Then a questioned boiled
all that afternoon
What was that the phantom in
grey suit wanted from the
boy?, it
Filled a pause in me that
Cut a patch in my happy

Dignity intact I now
Manage a smile
When I see that rainbow
The phantom no longer
But sometimes at four a.m.
The rainbow still visits with him


The ache looked at the chill
In a jar leaning which
was very ancient

The clock progressed through
Holding both it's hand
To the ache that looked at the chill

All in black outside the jar
No winds no smiles
Courage deserted the
Ache that looked at the chill

All these years
Fascinating sucking and
Met and passed the ordinary
It was this ache that looked at
the chill