Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Do I experience Order in myself or Chaos? Is that a question worth asking, or does it make sense to ask it? Something in me is decaying in confusion and something in me wants nothing to change. It is futile to say that I can observe them both and this observation liberates me from the consequences of either. I cannot remain untouched by anything that I become, and I become the object of my thoughts. The content of my senses is the exact nature of what its filling them at any moment of my existence. If I am immersed, I am no different from the object of my immersion. Then there is the link established, and strangely, if it is a living entity that is holding my attention, knowledge is constantly exchanged, there is no way to shield myself or shut the other off, because that immersion was a choice, and once immersed, there is no turning back, unless there is an external stimulus demanding it. This is not speculative, this is an honest exchange. Not a word spoken, even physical presence is immaterial. There is no controlling the exchange either, and this really discredits the whole process.

It is hardly surprising that experience is so easily dismissed “in light of science” or “In view of my material evidence”. Both are actually talking a different language while trying to build a common literature that is both measured and not measured while drafting their rule books. So much of experience can be hardly measured, and hence easily expended, but when the same happens to be something very intimately personal – it causes extreme anguish, and rational denial that is actually a kick in the gut every time the would threatens to heal and vanish. People want to keep that part alive and subject it to investigation when a higher and better understanding of life descends that invalidates this need to rationally kick this intimacy out of the self and memory as though it never existed. Sadly we are too busy with the so called “Social life” to realize that the realization will never come if its not already here, actually its already here and what you need is not suspension of belief, just an impartial indulgence to let the experience reach its logical conclusion before drawing your own logical conclusions about the causes or the effects or the inadequacy of both in disconnecting this intimacy as imaginary.

Yes Gravity is not a myth, and every time I fall there is no divine intervention to create the agency of gravity. But in my own personal space, I experience this gravity differently at different times. The weight of my body is not always objective, unless you want to predict my trajectory, sometimes you must let me indulge in my weightlessness without guilt. I respect you gravity, and it is homage to you that I allow myself to fly, anyone questioning my flight as something to be discarded because it is physically impossible can take a leak elsewhere.

Objectively speaking, the physics of it touches my emotion.

1 comment:

  1. The ripe fruit of explorations, now this can only be shared.
