Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Love Poem.

A voice lies underneath,
She says “I cannot be with you.”

I ask “have you looked?”

She is soft, brown hair hides her dark eyes,

Her perfume lies trapped in those brown curls,

That play around her long neck,

She recalls “I wanted to know peace”

I reply “You have learned patience”

“I may have learned vigil perhaps” she walks closer to me,

My head looks up “It had silence”

Her long thin fingers now point to the window “The night wasn’t silent”, she whispers,

“Was it your heart talking? Your ears had no one,” the house is silent, my
Lips have no strength left,

She kisses me, sweet, “a night some months back, I spent building a nest”,

“It lasts forever,” I live one more breath to tell her;

“ Perfection must be a pause then, my love” her eyes smile,

“Love has to be born, it has also a sunset, not a pause,” I switch off the lights,

“What I feel is real”, she moves away,

“Desires are if life is”, I move towards the window,

“Freedom then should be just a play”, she closes her eyes, I see her in the moon light,

“Shadows don’t play, the light does and it knows nothing of freedom or otherwise”, I smell the air,

“It hurts”,

“It has a threshold”,

“Beauty then should be timeless”,

“ Yes, it fills me, this room and all those who are witnessing us now”,

She switches on the lights, “ It is golden in the morning, only then”,

“Look, the pole star”, I call her to the window,

As she moves, she smiles, “the past of lovers are like those stars”,

“When lovers are, the past ceases”, I hold her,

“You and I have played for time that seems endless”,

“Yes, endless”, I kiss her